Dermal Display
After months of work I am so pleased to announce that the project you have heard so much about on this blog is now complete. I had been working on changes to the scene up to the very last minute, so now I am almost in shock that I am done! I was able to upload two Sorenson compressed versions onto my website in .mov and .wmv formats for you to download. I have wondered why Sorenson does not have an .avi option, do any of you animators out there know?
Every frame of this animation was structured and every movement that you see relied on an accurate biological function. When you go to the hospital and you are hooked up to the heart monitor, those moving, wavy lines mean something right? That is exactly the basis of this animation. Robert A. Freitas Jr. (author of the Nanomedicine book series) who directed me, understands the relationship the dermal screen has with the body, and what is actually going on inside of the body. This animation was created so that you could see precisely what you would see if it was functioning on your own hand, accurately. That last word of course, made the project very challenging, as there was no freedom in the frames or the movements. This created a rather large learning curve for me - I would have paid to attend a class where I learned as much. It was a privilege to work with such an outstanding author.
Click here to be taken to the Dermal Display webpage where you can view stills, read more about the animation and download the movie.

This is beautiful work! I can't wait to get my back of hand display. But I would expect some very unobtrusive HUD, possibly directly interfaced to the visual cortex, would be available. I doubt that at the level of tech which includes nanomedical bots that we would want a limited GUI interface on the back of our hand.
Gee Samantha I've known you so long and was not aware of the blog presence you have! I will have to go check those out. Thank you for your kind words, it's nice to have you here.
I think he talks about HUD as an alternative, right before this dermal display section in the book.
How about an even bigger leap here, ones entire environment (and entire body) having the capability to become interactive (only to the point of security of course), so that anything could provide information regarding itself and it's relationship to others or other things.
By the way I don't know if you have taken a look at my cornea computer animation before or not, but it might be of interest to you. Here is the download page:
What is your cornea animation? Does it employ infrared LEDS? or something similar? Sony corproation says thay are using ultrasonic beams to cause virtual reality images and audio illusions by stimulating the subject's brains with ultrasonic beams. This will cause brain damamge in my opinion.
Apparently the url got cut off in my post here it is again: If you can not copy and past this page for some reason you can always go to the nanogirl front page and locate it at the Museum of the Future link.
My cornea animation is not based in all of the technical detail that this dermal display is, with that said, yes LED, you can see the RBG initiate in the animation, although it would not implement infrared, in fact it would not even need to communicate with an external cpu since all of the data would be compiled within the nanoscale infrastructure that is small enough to be within ones body. If you are really interested in a plausible design for a visual screen, I suggest reading Nanomedicine which is available to read for free online: . Within the same chapter (chpt. 7 Communication) that discusses the dermal display is an extensive section on Ocular outmessaging and projecting.
Apparently Sonys patent induces sensory experiences by altering the neural timing in the cortex. What is amazing to me about their patent is that it states that blind people could view images without surgery.
"Lifetimes Orgsm"
Gotta love it!
hey Gina wow tha's really kool n interesting as well as i moved to read about dermal display... i'm very much interested in latest technology... any how can you tell me tha' what is a medicla bot!??? and whether this display have to something with OLED?? and what will happen if the part of body where we've transplanted this will get injured like burnt, cut or etc...... ne wayzz besides all these i really appreciate this work. Just Rock & keep it up. THUMBS UP FER U
Communicating the applications of molecular manufacturing in powerful ways like you've done here is one of the keys to capturing the imagination and support of the public.
Excellent work. My hat is off to you.
Hi Gina,
why use nanobots for the display, static particles will do, either emiting light or absorbing it.
Also I'ld want to have that display on my forearm, not on my hand. First of there is much more space, but most importantly the skin is much more even there.
And, I think, you should have put more thought into a generic OS interface rather than any particular application. Cause the interface I spot there looks like 20 years in the past, not in the future.
Very cool stuff anyway.
Thank you Mark, that is a real compliment coming from you!
Hi simon, nice to have you here - In my opinion I think the OS interface makes the function easily recognizable to the viewer as it resembles current day operating systems. Static particles would not move together to form the screen the way that these pixel bots do and static would also mean that the display screen would not be able to change with the data or disappear, thus leaving the screen on the users hands at all times.
Thank you jawad for post - a medical bot is a more general term used to describe a robot that performs biological repairs. This particular pixel bot utilizes a technology smaller than what is used today, the non invasive nanoscale. The future of nanotechnologies could in themselves provide speedy repairs to the type of injuries you describe. I believe that by reading Nanomedicine can learn more about the questions you ask, as the author discusses many medical applications.
Looks like you solved the "flash" issue. Great work. Two thumbs up. Anyone would be proud to have such work on their reel.
What great work! I am so proud of you and all that you have accomplished! Beautiful!
Hi Katie, it's so good to see you here! Thank you for your kind words - I could say the same of your ethereal music.
Hi Michael, yes I figured out that if I rendered just one frame, I could check it to make sure that it matched the previous renders. If it didn't I would reset Max, reopen my scene and begin a new render, usually minus the flash. If it was still there, I would repeat until it cleared up. It seems as though Max calculates differently sometimes, at least in this case where there are no light objects. And thank you so much for your very kind compliment.
thank you very much fer tellin me... but i already got the answer of my questionz cuz my dad is a Chief Scientist so i asked him n he gave answers to all my questionzzzz
ne wayzzzzzzz i really appreciate yer work keep it up
Thanks for creative nano-work of Dermal Display,really hope to view image from inner conciousness avilable to transfer original energy
proverty from this decent infrastrcture cross wireless boardband or even other possibilities,
really a dramatic devices which is influrence humanity into a new stage ,which ismore effective and concentrate at body universe devolpment besides digital performing soul works for health
and wellness by quantum touch insight.
I just viewed your Dermal Display movie.
Awesome. Respect!
Thank you so much!
weird, so far away from the real world, all that energy which will end up to some commercial use, before it really benefits the people.nice for engadget , will have its use at the end, and science and development is a neccesity , but target it on solving humane problems, not by adding on more info , create pleasure, create art, help the poor. its just a comment nothing more nothing less.
That's absolutely what this animation illustrates, with this application it would be possible to help humans by monitoring the body continuously and there for immediately detect, diagnose and treat health related issues - and save lives - for everyone.
What is your cornea animation? Does it employ infrared LEDS?
Here is the url for my cornea computer animation:
and the synthetic cornea lense(which is a second layer - leaving the original intact)does use LED which you will be able to see in the movie. Hope you like it.
I saw your video on Thoughtware.TV
I love it! Thanks a lot for taking the time to create it.
Gina can u please tell me how i can put downloads onto my blog from my computer it would be great Gina.... god bless you!!! :D
Yes Sevadar Ji - to put a movie on your blog post - go ahead to where you usually go when you create a new post. Now below where you type your title and at the top of the window where you write, you should see your tool bar, with all your options for fonts, colors, links, spell check, etc. Here you will also see two little square pictures, if you hover your mouse over them you will see that the first one says "add image" and the second one says "add video" click this one. A window will pop up and it is here that you can locate and name your video so that it will go up with your post. Good luck.
I just watched the dermal display animation. Very interesting. My mother-in-law went to a seminar and she came back mentioning something like this to come in the future. She also said something like we will be able to use the phone with our hand as you know of anything like this technology coming??
thanks for the info
Hi pureblisscandles - thank you for watching. This technology could come to fruition soon, as long as we continue to support research and developement. I am keeping my fingers crossed!
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