I am an artist, I make textured paintings as well as computer generated 2D and 3D animations (if you are interested see: nanogirl.com). I'm also interested/involved in nanotechnology and other emerging sciences that could help solve some of our worlds problems (disease, hunger, pollution).
I just finished my very first demo reel. It is a collection of my best works thus far. I am very excited to hear your comments! Click here to read about it and download the video!
Oh Gina, I am so amazed by your showreel, it's billiant! I am particularly awestruck by the rendering of skin, it's so realistic and you do people so well. Congrats on putting it all together.
Hi Gina, great to see more animation. I always look forward to it. If you couldn't acsess my blog last night as it said invited readers only. Well it's all back to normal this morning. Hope it hasn't inconviened you. - Julia x
Hello there neighbor - I'm so happy you enjoyed it and so glad to have you here on my blog. No, I couldn't have made this last year! Thank you for being so sweet, and the flowers were our pleasure dear. Hugs!
WOW !!! the begining is like a patchwork quilt from the age of aguarius!!! so brilliant!I love going inside the littleboys eye,and then getting his vitals! Wow!!!
Really great, hope you connect to nano groups, the imagination still trumps experimentation and graphics often leads reality. Funny to think that art, in nano, may powerfully influence development
Oh Gina, I am so amazed by your showreel, it's billiant! I am particularly awestruck by the rendering of skin, it's so realistic and you do people so well. Congrats on putting it all together.
Hi Gina, great to see more animation. I always look forward to it.
If you couldn't acsess my blog last night as it said invited readers only. Well it's all back to normal this morning. Hope it hasn't inconviened you. - Julia x
wow gina. brilliant work. what a great portfolio. love the music with it.
Dear Neighbor,
I liked it - I really liked it! Could you have created this a year ago? The music was great and appropriate. Your talents are special.
Your flowers look lovely on my piano. thanks so much. Best wishes to you two.
ethel kb
Hello there neighbor - I'm so happy you enjoyed it and so glad to have you here on my blog. No, I couldn't have made this last year! Thank you for being so sweet, and the flowers were our pleasure dear. Hugs!
WOW !!! the begining is like a patchwork quilt from the age of aguarius!!! so brilliant!I love going inside the littleboys eye,and then getting his vitals! Wow!!!
Thank you so much cruststation, that means a lot coming from someone with your artistic eye! : )
Thank you weirdbunny, no problem at all, I'm back in there now, thanks for letting me know!
Hooray jessica!
jungle dream pagoda -you really tapped into it! Thank you for letting me know the details that struck you, that is always useful for future work : )
Awesome! Really awesome!
Hooray! Thank you A!
Dear Gina,
I am amazed by your abilities. Thank you for sharing your work with me. I am so proud to be your cousin. Love to you and Jim.
It's my pleasure Maggy, thank you so much for your wonderful words. Hugs to you dear!
Really great, hope you connect to nano groups, the imagination still trumps experimentation and graphics often leads reality. Funny to think that art, in nano, may powerfully influence development
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