The postcard has returned! Sundance - second round
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I received my self addressed post card today from the Sundance film festival for my Starry Night submission. This just means that they did indeed get my submission. There was no happy face on it like one from last year but if you look closely on the address side there is a big cut on it - perhaps that happened at the post office?
By the way this postcard didn't begin it's life as a postcard, it was a traditional open/close card from a stationary set I had long before I made the Starry Night animation, but how fitting right! So I cut the card in half and made it into a postcard - apparently it worked (as long as you are with in postal code regulation size you can do this).
Anyway, last year I think they informed submitters sometime in December if they were accepted or not. Either way, I'm glad you all seem to like it : )