Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Contest Update and Tangerine Dreams

Okay everyone, the voting for the contest is over (for now) and my inspirations animation made it into this week's finalist spot for the contest! This doesn't mean that my animation has won yet. What it means is that after 8 more weeks (and two more finalists chosen per week) there will be one more final round of voting (I believe near the end of December), so hang on to your passwords because when all the finalists are chosen I will go up against them one last time for that golden 20 thousand dollars, and of course it's you and your votes that decide if I will win. On that note I would like to thank all of you that voted and got me into this finalist round, it's truly amazing that I have your support and we both thank you so much. I'm a finalist, hooray!! I couldn't have done this without you. I'll let you know when the final round begins, and thank you so much!!!
The picture you see above "Tangerine Dreams" is unrelated to the most recent contest, but is a new contest entry for Unikeep, but don't worry, no voting or assistance is required!! Click here.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

A favor to ask of you

Hello everyone, so we are not generating the kind of financial support we need for our big project, but you can help us by voting for an animation I made for a contest that will award the winner $20,000, which we really need for our project to continue forward. I was chosen as a finalist! But the only way I can win is by having the most votes from you!
You'll have to register, it's free by going here: (save or write down the username and password you made) after you are registered they will send you an email, click the link in the email, then you'll see a login page, go ahead and log in.
Now you will see a page that says what you can do now, it says "edit your profile, or add events", but you can just ignore that if you want to and go straight to my video page to watch it and vote (you can vote once a day!). My video is called Inspirations and is here - copy and paste this url into your browser or click this link:
To play the video, click the little arrow in the center of the video. If the video is broken up that is just because it is loading - let it play all weird like that the first time, then play it again, the second time it will play all the way through for you, without stopping. Make sure your volume is on.
Now to vote: right below the video (check the purple "Vote for this clip" click your mouse right into that empty box, so that it is now checked). Hooray, you have voted, thank you! Every vote adds up so please if you have a friend or other that would be willing to help, please spread the word! The voting is up until and including the day of the 27th, this week only. And don't forget, since they do allow you to vote every day this will really increase my odds. So please do, just login here every day to vote, and then go to my video page again,
This contest is for and about a camera in which they requested "makeover" as the theme. I turned this idea into a "beauty is everywhere" concept in my animated video. I hope you like it and if by some miracle I get enough votes to win, thank you for helping Jim and I make our big project come to life! Love to all.

Saturday, October 04, 2008

Completed book cover & six internal images

Rembember my book cover posts? My first post on this topic was my first attempt at the cover, it was called Reverie. My second post on this topic churned out the final selection, click here. Now we have the actual book itself and the 6 images that I created for the stories inside. Click the pictures to enlarge. Click here to visit my webpage with larger resolution images and read more about it.
Also new, a Japanese television show is going to be airing the dermal display animation, isn't that he gift that keeps on giving! I'll let you know what it's like when I get my copy.
And the history channel show that featured the dermal display animation has preorders of the DVD available here. Happy creating everyone.